In the meals they cook. In the way they soothe skinned knees and hurt feelings.
But Corrie McDermott, a 25-year-old student teacher from Hesperia, showed her love by making the ultimate sacrifice — giving her life so her unborn baby would live.
In 2002, the future looked bright for Corrie and Donnie McDermott. They had a wonderful little daughter, Rachelle. And Corrie, who graduated with honors from Hesperia High School in 1997, was pursing a bachelors degree and enjoying her work with special education kids at Maple Elementary School in Hesperia.
But months into her pregnancy with her second daughter, Corrie was diagnosed with melanoma. The undetected cancer was hidden by the aches and pains of pregnancy and had spread quickly, fed by the rising levels of estrogen in her body.
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