Thursday, August 21, 2008

Motivation seminar leaves one wondering, lighter in the wallet

I'm planning to write one of those self-help, motivational books one of these days. That is, if I can get up for it. I almost got around to it yesterday, but I got invited to a chili feed at the last moment.

If you are ever motivated enough to spend 50 cents on the local daily newspaper, you can see a huge ad in there for an all-day seminar coming in late August called “Get Motivated!"

I did a rough count and found that the sprawling full-page ad contains more than 18 exclamation points. By contrast, one of the biggest motivational books of them all – the King James version of the Bible – contains none. I'm not sure what that means, but thought I'd mention it.

The “Get Motivated!" seminar offers “Inspiration! “Career Skills!" and “Wealth-Building!" But before you can learn how to build wealth, you have to part with some of it first.

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