Friday, June 27, 2008

With smoking, motivation is key

Motivation is the basis for taking action or making a decision. Motivation is an influence, an incentive, the stimulus for change. On Tuesday, the tax on cigarettes in New York state will increase by an additional $1.25, making the tax on a pack of cigarettes $2.75. The increase in the price of cigarettes will motivate people to quit smoking and motivate children not to start smoking. This tax increase will spur more than 140,000 New Yorkers to quit for good, prevent more than 230,000 children from smoking, save more than 37,000 New Yorkers from smoking-related deaths and produce more than $5 billion in long-term health care savings for taxpayers. If you are ready to quit smoking, there are resources to help. Quitting smoking is a process, and a good plan is part of the process. Set a quit date: This is the day you will be tobacco-free.

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