Monday, June 30, 2008

10 ways to boost motivation at work this summer

You may have plenty of motivation to plan your next beach getaway, but almost none when it comes to finishing up that monthly report.

Wendy Phaneuf, founder of and managing director of The Training Source in Winnipeg offers 10 ways to stay motivated and boost productivity at work, even if you'd rather be reading a magazine on the beach.

1. Determine what's important
Identify your priorities for the day. "Focusing on priorities is vital for productivity," says Phaneuf. She suggests setting aside 14 minutes, which is a mere one per cent of your day, and answer seven questions to help identify your daily goals.


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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Five Secret Japanese Tricks to Make Life Better

It's also the subject of my new book, Urawaza: Secret Everyday Tips and Tricks from Japan. Keep reading for excerpts on how to silence a crying baby, get rid of splinters, swim backward, make grass greener, and easily clean up egg yolk... all using common household objects.

1. How to make a baby stop crying Dilemma: Sure, the baby's cute. But why won't he stop crying? Solution: The secret to stop a crying baby lies in making the sound you produce during the mouthfeel stage of wine tasting. Why this works: When babies are still in the womb, the noises they can hear are limited to those in the 6000-8000mHz range. The sound you make when you slosh the liquid behind your lips during wine tasting takes place at about 7000mHz, reminding the baby of a time when the world around was peaceful and the whirs and stirs inside Mommy's tummy soothed him back to a sleepy state.

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Be Hardworking to Reap Results!


How to be a better person?
This is a rampant question educators ask of students. It is to basis their believing juice to appreciate the learning process.

Basically educators can make aware to the students the system whereby the brain accepts and digest information before learning takes place. They can move on to methods to acquire information or intellectual materials through reading, listening, or any process that affects use of the 5 human senses. However, it should be highlighted to the students which acquiring information is useless if the information gained is not digested by thinking and iterative linking of the acquired material and facts.

Through deal of the newly accepted material, the then phase is for one to request the new knowledge. This will then build sure this the arrangement is correct and if it did not make out (with inconsistent outcome), the understanding process has to be re-visited with maybe more information gathering to supplement the previous bank of information. He has to be hardworking mentally and to repeat the system with persistence in order to reap a satisfactory result. Good habit will be able to be formed in the for a while now run that will mould a person's character and intelligence capability.

The course of learning is a tedious one of feedback and improvement on oneself. The learning process if properly handled and manged will be able to have a marked improvement on one's making and confidence. It will create awareness of self-improvement. This self-improvement skills can persist for one's life time and has compounded benefit through application of knowledge and sharing among others.

If a society or community had made the attitude of self-improvement, the top notch of life within the society or neighborhood can be greatly increased. This has a spreading effect when people according to other community sees the benefits of self-improvement.

Friday, June 27, 2008

With smoking, motivation is key

Motivation is the basis for taking action or making a decision. Motivation is an influence, an incentive, the stimulus for change. On Tuesday, the tax on cigarettes in New York state will increase by an additional $1.25, making the tax on a pack of cigarettes $2.75. The increase in the price of cigarettes will motivate people to quit smoking and motivate children not to start smoking. This tax increase will spur more than 140,000 New Yorkers to quit for good, prevent more than 230,000 children from smoking, save more than 37,000 New Yorkers from smoking-related deaths and produce more than $5 billion in long-term health care savings for taxpayers. If you are ready to quit smoking, there are resources to help. Quitting smoking is a process, and a good plan is part of the process. Set a quit date: This is the day you will be tobacco-free.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Self Improvement Ideas - Where Should You Even Start?

Most persons if they are at all perceptive right about themselves understand that there is a gap between at which they are and where properties want to be. So how do we bridge that gap?

Wanting to appreciate yourself is one of the most basic human needs. Most people desire to do better in life, but few individuals try to, an a great deal fewer people succeed at it.

Starting a self improvement program performs not have to be complicated and you don't even have to spend any dollars at it. Just a quick search on the interweb for self improvement tools ought to reveal hundreds of free articles and resources at your fingertips.

Just choose one area at which you look for to improve, then produce lessened what your goal is for improvement in who area. For example, it could be to loose 10 pounds, and remember to set a timeline for yourself. By giving yourself a deadline of when you seek your goal accomplished you give yourself an further amount of motivation to pull off the goal.

One last thing to remember when looking for self improvement ideas is that not all techniques will work for everyone. Pick some self improvement techniques that you think will work best for you.

Try and stick with your new initiative for at least 21 days. Why 21 days? Because that is how long it takes to create a habit of your self improvement idea.

Once you have came up with successful habits your self improvement legislation is almost on autopilot! Start today and pick out one area of your livlihood you want to add to in.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Small experiences fill a well of motivation to tap into at

During my running career I have looked for inspiration and motivation from many sources. Initially, I looked to stories about incredible bravery and overcoming adversity to achieve monumental goals. My inspiration has changed over time. Chance encounters and day to day examples of inspiration have led me to look at the smaller view rather than the big picture.

In 1997 I ran my first marathon in Chicago. Coincidentally, Khalid Khannouchi, one of the greatest modern marathoners, also finished his first marathon that day just 20 seconds slower than the world record. A few years later, when he was the reigning world record holder, I stood in line at the New York Marathon expo to get his autograph. I mentioned to him that Chicago had been my first marathon too. His face was suddenly animated and he excitedly exclaimed how much he loved that first marathon and that it is a special race for him.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


He said: "It is important to have the motivation to win always, always, always and, for me, the day I wake up without motivation is the day I stay in Portugal and stop working.

"Having this motivation is important and I expect my players to arrive with that very same thought."


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Monday, June 23, 2008

Self Improvement, Self Development

Personal Development - Why Is It Important?

A lot of people look at life as being unfair at times and they think the current livlihood is a series of disappointments. Why are some households more "lucky" as opposed to others?

What about you? Does livlihood seem unfair? Would you mull over yourself as a happy person? Do you consider yourself a successful person? Do you consider yourself lucky? in Life? in Love?

Self improvement and self development are important, because they help to develop a new way of thinking, to extend up the "life is unfair" attitude. Self improvement is a continuous process, a continuous grunt work on ourselves.

Self improvement cannot come without your decision to do so. You should offer your decision first.

There are numerous self improvement techniques to choose from. There are self improvement strategies used by the most lucrative people in the world. These techniques include affirmations, creative visualization, meditations and other. There are a lot of opportunities available such as self improvement books, CD's, courses, seminars, trainings and workshops.

How to start? How to decide and apply self-improvement techniques?

You may want to start with small and simple self improvement steps such as assured affirmations to remove old horrible thoughts and patterns and replace them with positive affirming beliefs. Add assured feelings and emotions to your affirmations for the best results

By using positive thinking and affirmations in your daily life, you can reprogram your mind, so you can achieve your goals.

Look at the people obtainable you. If you get a trait of character, that you do not like, look at yourself closely and find out whether you hold the same trait of character. Then use positive affirmations to achieve the change you want.

Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Self improvement causes us better.

To your success,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Anticipate the positive

This onslaught of questioning is all about them anticipating the positive. They are prepping themselves for the good stuff. They are lit up like Christmas trees talking about what toys they will bring, what we are going to see and do while there, etc.

Come to think of it, they get the same way when we tell them we are going out for ice cream, heading for the beach, etc.

My kids, like so many others, are good at getting excited about the good stuff.

I am not sure when it happens, but we adults seem to lose our ability to anticipate the positive. I wish I had a dollar for every person who has told me, "I can't get excited about that trip (dinner, movie, play, etc.) until I get through this."

As adults, many of us not only have forgotten the power of anticipating the positive, but also have taken that great gift of anticipation and used it instead for negative anticipation.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

'The secret of life is love’

The secret of life is love: the inexpressible love of God that overcomes human weakness, moves human hearts so that he loves life, his neighbours and even his enemies. Sr. Marta Wiecka appears as a luminous example of limitless love. Her beautification is a concrete example testifying to the importance of responsibility for others, of life for others, of service to others. By making new saints and blessed the Church shows them to us and our successors as models to follow. The Church invites us to follow this way and to witness to the world about limitless love that overcomes all things, even death.� Cardinal Bertone appealed to those who cared for the sick, �May the Blessed Sr. Marta Wiecka arouse in you care, attention and dedication for all sick. Man is a unity of body and soul. When you care for the sick do not forget to consider their spiritual needs, necessary for full health.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Interest, not salary, is workers' main motivation

An interesting job and good relationships with co-workers are more motivating to employees than a high salary, research published today suggests. And, according to the annual City & Guilds Happiness Index, bosses are falling behind their employees' expectations when it comes to flexible working. Some 57% of 1,000 people surveyed said that a strong interest in their job had kept them with their current employer, while 56% said that they stayed because of their colleagues. Only 44% of respondents said that a high salary made them stay. City & Guilds says its findings show that employers are out of touch, with 43% of managers offering bonuses, but only one fifth adopting 'flexible working practices', and one tenth allowing staff to work from home. "With a clear impact on the bottom line, improving workplace happiness is rising up the business agenda and employers cannot afford to ignore it," said City & Guilds managing director Bob Coates.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Self Improvement And Self Help

Self improvement is the enrichment of the mind, character, and attitude through your own efforts and positive thinking. There is no incorrect or right in now field, what is self improvement to one past customer may actually appear as self decline to another.

When applied ideally and consistently these kinds of thought handles can transform your whole life. Most of us suffer from low self esteem and a lack self confidence from instant to time. Eventually we believe that self improvement is unachievable to achieve.

These thoughts own continued shaped by previous failures and negative experiences.
Hopefully we can reach a point in our life when we are ready for adjustment and are keen to accept information too will help us unlock our self improvement power. For many people, financial success is an important part of such a process.

We begin to understand so self improvement and self price increase improve the quality of life. There is no such concern as an second fix. Upon starting any self improvement program, most people more often than not encounter inner resistance that come based on data from their old habits and this subconscious mind, and moreover resistance and opposition from the people around them.

Self-improvement begins with self-understanding , knowing your true potential and of making aware that you are unique. Improvement can be judged to be in several ways, in a variety of contexts. What really does measure is how the individual sees his or her self, and what properties would perceive as improvement to that self.

The popularity of self-improvement books, tapes and seminars is a reflection of the universal interest we all have in overcoming our limitations, or being the perfect we can be. The cause why you see so that much literature on self improvement whenever you go to a bookstore is that people have forgotten the basic fact the what they are searching for is already within them, and the current they already have the leads to over them to achieve their goals.

In pursuit of an objective, a goal, or even a dream, whether business or personal, you can increase in value the odds of success by continuously exercising your mind with positive thinking, self help and personal growth.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sometimes you must make people dress for success

"And if we are reacting this way, you can imagine what some other managers are thinking. These people want to get ahead and be respected at work but they are undermining their accomplishments by the way they portray themselves."

"Her skirts are so tight and so short she can't sit in a chair without looking like that infamous scene from 'Basic Instinct'. She obviously doesn't sit in the dressing room to check out how high it will rise."

"I hate those tacky flip flops! Especially people who wear them and have to walk the floor all day, clacking! "

"I despise the open toed sandals displaying claws."

"I don't want to see feet with the white heel build-up displayed in the sandal."

"Wrinkled or just plain dirty clothes are so unprofessional."

"My concern is the offensive, over powering perfumes and colognes."

"I work in a doctor's office and am basically second in command in the office (we have almost 50 employees).

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Motivation and teambuilding for jobseekers

The corporation carries out a number of similar motivational initiatives with its clients. The Youth Section of the corporation organised its annual live-in seminar for people aged between 16 and 24, focussing on a number of areas which were intended to help strengthen young people�s motivation towards work and life in general.

Various activities and exercises were provided to help develop self-esteem, confidence in one�s abilities, social skills, assertiveness and communication, as well as work ethics. Participants were also assisted in drafting their personal action plan on job search for the following six months.

Another day for the community will be organised in the coming weeks for youth and adult jobseekers who will spend a day working at St Joseph Home for boys in Sta Venera.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Football Motivation

He was a common face to thousands of athletes around the Ozarks, but even though he spent hours coaching them, they probably wouldn't recognize him today.

That's because Geoge Newtown's been away from home for two years and during that time, lost 200 pounds because of an illness. But, we found it was his love for a certain sport that helped pull him through it all to reach his ultimate goal today.

Football may be a past time for many, but for George Newton it’s how he’s passed the majority of his time on earth.

"I played on the 1963 team that was undefeated," said George Newton of the Missouri State football team.

From there, he went on to coaching at Lebanon, Miller and four of Springfield’s five high schools.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Self Improvement Tips

The average person does not like to admit that they have any faults, so it's often difficult for an outsider to give that person self-improvement tips. In spite of any kind of assistance you may try to offer, they will be able to decline to admit that properties have even one item on which they need to improve. When you have the “perfect” human specimen, creating a self improvement program is going to be quite a challenge.

Before you can initiate detailing a self improvement program, you must be willing to define the circumstances too look for improvement. No issue how perfect you may feel you are, each of us has something upon which we can improve whether it's our ability to create motivation, punctuality, ability to grasp new information, communicating with people, understanding priorities, or knowing how to properly dress for a special function. In order to create improvement within yourself, you must identify areas in need of improvement amid a self improvement program and self improvement tips that relate to your specific areas of immediate need.

Self improvement tips are necessary for every person in circumstances for them to recognize the areas in which properties lack, remarkably among the perfectionist who does not see himself or herself as undergoing any faults. Accepting one's faults and developing a self improvement program is not a sign of weakness but alternatively an admission that you are accepting change within yourself to improve the ability of you to become a better person. The most important of the self improvement tips that you must learn is to accept the you are not infallible and that being less than proper is not a reflection on your status in life or the person that you experience become.

The self improvement program you develop for yourself should contain all of your weaknesses that you have identified individually or with the help of self improvement information from others. The detailing of this guidelines and the implementation of a program of improvement should allow for a better understanding of these areas in crisis of improvement and address the dangers of feelings of quality perfection within both the sector and personal sectors of your life.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Other 90% - Teaching and Enhancing Success (part 3)

They must represent the team with the highest integrity, or else this core of players becomes an impediment to success, not a vehicle.

Here is a final trait, one that is somewhat of a secret. The upper tier players must be taught that even the best-prepared program will sometimes have athletes of stature arrive at a crossroad moment that can define their career. This group of players should be charged with using their experience and confidence to find a way to win.

Coaches need to green light certain players to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Some players just find a way to win and the upper tier needs to be ready when the opportunity arrives.

Do you remember the Vince Young scramble against U of M? This went past athletic talent. Southern Cal received a dose of Vince Young finding a way to win the next year.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Super Bowl great Alan Veingrad to share his story of Judaism at

As he grew older, he found that there was something lacking — a spirituality and a relationship with God. He sorted it out through his heritage and found the fame wasn't sufficient to bring him true meaning in life."

Veingrad, 44, was raised in a Jewish home but said there was little sense of real Jewishness.

"We'd send Hanukkah cards and get together as a family for the holidays, but there was no real spirituality," Veingrad said. "It'd be like 'pass the chicken soup, pass the brisket, pass the noodle kugel — are we done yet?' "

Injuries are a way of life in the NFL, and Veingrad was no exception. Throughout his football career, he would get second opinions on his injuries from his cousin, a Miami radiologist.

When Veingrad retired from football and moved to Fort Lauderdale, his cousin, an observant Jew, invited him over for a Shabbat meal.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Manisha on a spiritual trip

It's my love for spirituality. I've done this Oneness course. It's a 21-day programme that has taught me how to enjoy life and be happy even though things around you may be bad, she says.

And why did you take a sabbatical? I was overworked. I was also very disinterested in those projects. That reflected in the kind of films I chose and in my acting. I wanted to run away from what I was doing. I was not enjoying it. I took a long break. I saw places, travelled a lot and got the focus back.

So can we say that you are staging your comeback? Well I never retired in the first place. I took a break and I�m back with this film. I have good commercial and art house film offers. I want to work now. The hunger to perform and regain the position I had is back.

Were you so disinterested that you even ignored your fitness? Yes, I mean there is nothing left in life when you don't enjoy it.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The secret of Obama's success

It is all about giving you the tools, the know?how and the motivation to empower you to go out and get things done. And it's been remarkably successful."

By the time Kansas held its caucuses on Super Tuesday, in early February, the Obama campaign had 18 staffers on the ground and offices across the state, vastly outnumbering the three full-time Clinton operatives. And Mr Obama cleaned up on the day, claiming 23 of the pledged 32 delegates up for grabs.

It was a similar story across America. While the Clinton camp focused on the high-profile big states, the Obama operation eked out delegates wherever it could, sweeping such political "backwaters" as Idaho and minimising its rival's winning margins in the likes of New Jersey and California. They ended with an insurmountable delegate lead based on better organisation, better fundraising, better motivation and better understanding of the rules.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Some positive news in the past month may have slightly boosted business confidence.

A National Bank survey shows a net 55% of businesses expect business conditions to deteriorate over the next year, but the result is a 3% improvement on last month.

Economist Khoon Goh says a drop in corporate tax rates and the free trade deal with China are positive.

However, he says New Zealand is still in negative territory. He says the data also shows firms are going on a hiring and investment strike, which in the current climate of capacity constraints does not bode well for the future.

Goh says despite the slight improvement, low business confidence remains a self-fulfilling prophecy.

He says the current situation needs to be put in context because New Zealand had five years of tremendous economic growth and a slowdown was inevitable.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

The South Pacific Provides Inspiration for New Jewelry Line from SiRA. O.

Tahitian Treats collection from SiRA. O designer Thandie Harris-Sapp features necklaces made of pearl strands on leather.

Amsterdam (PRWEB) May 1, 2008 -- While many are just beginning to plan their Summer getaway, jewelry designer Thandie Harris-Sapp of SiRA. O has just released a line of elegant necklaces that may help to provide some inspiration. The "Tahitian Treats" collection is an exotic, earthy combination of Tahitian pearls and leather cord, many with an added accent of precious metal.

This new line offers a refreshing approach to fine jewelry, focusing on a natural aesthetic while maintaining a luxurious look and feel. The rare black Tahitian pearls used in the necklaces provide a unique look with distinct contrast to traditional white pearls, allowing them to be worn in less formal settings or as eye-catching everyday pieces.

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Friday, June 6, 2008

A blessing for motorcyclists

A leather jacket, chaps and spirituality, some bikers never leave on a road trip without them.On Saturday, bikers from across southern Idaho gathered at Cycle City in Heyburn to take part in the area's first Blessing of the Bikes.The blessing was performed by Don Garner, president of the new Brothers in Christ motorcycle ministry.Garner said the blessing was a way to kick off the new, hopefully tragedy-free riding season.The blessing was also attended by the Banditos, Bikers Against Child Abuse and Bros motorcycle clubs as well as many independent riders.

Jon Cassey, vice president of Brothers in Christ, said the bikers hope to take part in a number of community-based events throughout the summer. This year all of the money they collect will be used to help fight autism.Besides officiating weddings and the blessing the Brothers in Christ are also starting a program where they will offer rides home to people who have had too much to drink."We make the thunder, God makes the lightning," Garner said.Rich Greene may be reached at 208-677-8762 or


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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Discoverer of LSD takes final trip

It is a drug that has sparked debate like no other. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) opened the doors of perception for some, influencing music, art and psychology. Others, the so called "acid casualties", were left with irrevocable psychological damage. It was announced today that Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered the substance by accident , died yesterday aged 102.

He had hoped his drug would prove to be a "medicine for the soul" - but after its widespread use as a recreational drug he ended up calling it his "problem child". This report from our social affairs correspondent Victoria Macdonald contains strobe lighting. Professor Albert Hofmann was the man who spawned a generation which turned on, tuned in and dropped out - whose discovery of lysergic acid diethylamide enhanced the summer of love, psychedelia and the counterculture.Prof Hofmann was known as the father of LSD but it was a drug that he also described as his problem child.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Heritage, gratitude vital to youth citizen of year

A rich sense of her Romanian heritage and her parents' focus on faith and family remind Ruth Benzar each day to appreciate life's opportunities.

Benzar, a senior at Reynolds High School, recently was named Youth Citizen of the Year by the East Metro Association of Realtors and the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce.

She learned of her selection while she was in class, when the announcement was made with a bouquet of yellow flowers. She received a $1,500 scholarship and a plaque at the Gresham Citizen of the Year Banquet last month.

Benzar will use the scholarship money at the University of Portland, where she plans to major in biology as part of her pre-med studies. She also wants to build on her four years of Spanish courses so she can one day provide medical services to Latinos.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Psychology students present research at State Conference

CHICKASHA -Seven psychology students at the University of Science and Arts recently presented research at a statewide psychology conference, earning four awards as a result. Psychology students present research at State Conference CHICKASHA -Seven psychology students at the University of Science and Arts recently presented research at a statewide psychology conference, earning four awards as a result. The upper level psychology majors presented research at the 26th annual Oklahoma Psychological Society research conference, held on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University in Edmond on April 11.


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Monday, June 2, 2008

Smoltz thinking pen, but Cox not so sure

WASHINGTON — Bobby Cox prefers having John Smoltz in Atlanta's rotation.

That doesn't mean the Braves manager isn't open to talking about having the right-hander return to the bullpen after his stint on the disabled list.

Asked Wednesday whether Smoltz could go back to being a closer, Cox said: "We are always thinking about it."

In the next breath, Cox added: "I like him as a starter."

The 40-year-old Smoltz went on the 15-day disabled list Tuesday with an ailing right shoulder.

Smoltz, the only pitcher in major league history with at least 200 wins and 150 saves, told he was returning to the bullpen.

"I'm coming back as a reliever first and then we'll see what happens," Smoltz said during a late Wednesday afternoon telephone conversation.

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

VC men, women sharing a State of mind

Both the Ventura College men's and women's swimming teams traveled to Orange County on Wednesday with the same goals in mind.

State championships.

Both teams have finished in the top 5 in the state in each of the last five seasons, but both teams will contend for the big prize together this weekend at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo.

"The whole team aspect of it is better," said sophomore Chris Spriggs. "We both have the same goals. We both want to win the state championship."

The Ventura women finished fifth in the state last year, despite qualifying only five swimmers. This year, they're bringing nine.

"Everyone is really motivated to come down here and swim," said sophomore Katherine Fung.

The Ventura men have amassed the most points in swimming competition in each of the past three years, winning the 2005 state championship and finishing second in 2006 and 2007, when it didn't enter a participant in the diving competition.

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