Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Other 90% - Teaching and Enhancing Success (part 3)

They must represent the team with the highest integrity, or else this core of players becomes an impediment to success, not a vehicle.

Here is a final trait, one that is somewhat of a secret. The upper tier players must be taught that even the best-prepared program will sometimes have athletes of stature arrive at a crossroad moment that can define their career. This group of players should be charged with using their experience and confidence to find a way to win.

Coaches need to green light certain players to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Some players just find a way to win and the upper tier needs to be ready when the opportunity arrives.

Do you remember the Vince Young scramble against U of M? This went past athletic talent. Southern Cal received a dose of Vince Young finding a way to win the next year.

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