Monday, July 7, 2008

'Lady Idina Sackville was nicknamed "The Bolter" because of the

I have been reading The Secret, a book which has sold a zillion copies and which purports to tell me how I can make myself have absolutely anything I want.

At first, I was extremely excited and highly motivated by this possibility. And I have been eagerly and religiously affirming and visualising and intending my perfect life. The only problem is, whenever I sit down to do my visualising, I change my mind about what I want to manifest. Some days, I have a huge house in Sandymount, and one in Hampstead and one in New York, overlooking the park, but then, some days I decide I want to live a simple, eco-friendly life in a log cabin in California with a bunch of hippies. To the outside observer, these problems are only the normal problems that any multi-billionaire in my position would be faced with.

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